We're happy to announce that Ryan Collin's card game, Kinterlands: Siege Command, will launch on Kickstarter August 17th and run for 30 days!
In Siege Command, players attempt to capture and hold turrets in each of the four lanes to destroy their opponent’s walls.
Players secretly prepare units and spells during the simultaneous planning phase. Then adapt their strategy while taking turns resolving cards in the action phase.
About the World of Kinterlands:
Several Tribes speckle the sprawling landscapes of The Continent, spawning dozens of unique cultures and hand-tailored histories in a world with a mysterious distant past. To earn a place in these tales, a Tribe must learn not only to survive – but to thrive. While most Tribes today have developed their way of life within the secure confines of solitude, others continue a tradition of seizing their security by force.
Below are a variety of photos from our upcoming game!
Below is an overview and quick look at the game from Ryan himself!
If you'd like to be notified when the Kickstarter launches, please follow us over here!