The latest chapter in Scott Colby's contemporary fantasy series is now available.
Samantha Brooks assumed the hardest things she’d have to face in life were college exams and her slowly fracturing family.
Then her father found the world’s most powerful magic in his silverware drawer. Forcibly relocated to the secret elven capitol city of Evitankari, Roger Brooks bravely faced down the manipulative Witch and an ancient demon lord and miraculously came out on top.The aftermath of that battle has left the elven government in ruins and the Brooks family in great danger. With few allies and even fewer friends, Roger turns to the only person he knows he can count on: his daughter. As Samantha tries to make sense of her new life in Evitankari and the shadowy forces swirling around her father, she finds herself facing down the real life inspirations for the characters in her favorite novel series. Are they friend or foe? The truth, as they say, is always so much stranger than fiction.

Deviant Magic 4 continues the story told in A Date with Death, Shotgun, and Diary of a Fairy Princess, with a specific focus on the Brooks family's life and future in the secret elven capitol. It's a story of magic and mystery in a modern world, centered around a single question: what if the previous generation of heroes begins to feel jealous of and threatened by the current?
Get your copy of Stranger Than Fiction and sign up for our newsletter below so you’ll stay up to date on when the next book in the series releases!
Want to know more about Scott Colby? Check out these links:
Outland Acquires Scott Colby's Deviant Magic Series
Worldsmiths with the Black Yonnix Author Scott Colby and Narrator Caleb Summers
You can also follow Scott on Twitter and Instagram.
And if you want more of Scott Colby's work, check out these Outland publications!