CREATOR: Developed by Cullen Bunn
AGE RANGE: All ages
VIBES: Role-playing games, quick play, old school, storytelling, adventure, fantasy, dungeon crawls
IN SHORT: QUILL AND CODEX is a rules light role-playing game designed to be easy to learn and easy to play, allowing gamers to focus on having fun, rolling dice, and telling stories together.
WHAT’S IT ABOUT: Role-playing games are most enjoyable when the rules don’t get in the way of spending time together, having fun, and telling stories together! QUILL AND CODEX is a complete rules light role-playing game developed by New York Times Bestselling writer Cullen Bunn. Easy to learn and easy to play, gamers can start playing in minutes, rolling dice and going on thrilling adventures together!
Within these pages, you’ll find warriors, thieves, magic, monsters, and much more—everything you need to embark on an epic quest with your friends.
Cullen Bunn - Editor
Cullen Bunn is a writer of comic books, prose, film, and TV. He has written stories for some of the most well-known characters in the world. His work for Marvel and DC includes titles such as UNCANNY X-MEN, X-MEN BLUE, DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, MAGENTO, SINESTRO, and many others. His creator-owned work includes THE SIXTH GUN, HARROW COUNTY, THE EMPTY MAN, BONE PARISH, BASILISK, and many others. His website is