Fox & Willow Volume 3 Arrives on Kickstarter

Allison Pang and Irma "Aimo" Ahmed have chronicled the adventures of Willow, an exiled princess, and Gideon, the fox spirit who accompanies her, since they first launched their webcomic in 2012. Now, the third volume of the popular series is headed to print through Outland Entertainment's newest Kickstarter.

"Blinded by the Light," the third story arc in Willow and Gideon's adventures, reveals more about the past of the fox spirit currently suffering from a mysterious curse. When they encounter Gideon's foster father, a blind monk, at the base of a mountain, they believe that the monk might be able to help them undo Gideon's curse. Instead, they must contend with an angry mountain spirit and unravel a tale of a young woman who lives in a tower and the forbidden love that caused her to lose her immortality. Taking notes from East Asian folklore and the traditional story of "Rapunzel," the tale once again challenges reader expectations about fairy tales and heroes, showing flawed characters deserving of empathy and love.

Fox & Willow: Blinded by the Light joins the first two volumes, now available from Outland Entertainment. While waiting for the Kickstarter to fund, check out the previous volume, Fox & Willow: To the Sea.

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