Quill & Codex RPG - A New "Rules Light" System Designed by Cullen Bunn

For Immediate Release

Outland Entertainment Launches the Quill & Codex Role-Playing System

The New “Rules Light” System Was Designed by Writer Cullen Bunn

Kansas City, MO — 3/10/2025

Outland Entertainment is proud to announce the launch of QUILL & CODEX, a new role-playing system developed by writer Cullen Bunn. The “rules light” game is designed to be easy to learn and easy to play, allowing gamers to focus on having fun, rolling dice, and telling stories together. The Base Game Rules, a fully illustrated 45-page rulebook which provide all the rules you need to play, will be available as a free download.

The QUILL & CODEX Base Rules can be downloaded at www.quillandcodexrpg.com

“I’ve been a fan of role-playing games for most of my life,” said Cullen Bunn, a bestselling writer best known for penning comic books such as THE SIXTH GUN, HARROW COUNTY, and DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. “I’ve collected and played so many of them over the years. Along the way, I fell in love with games with simple rules, games that new players could pick up and enjoy within just a few minutes. I also fell in love with games in a zine format. QUILL & CODEX embraces those ideals and runs with them!”

QUILL & CODEX will be well-supported with new content. Several additional rulebooks are in development. These supplements cover everything from monsters to spells to magic items to non-player characters.

“Each of the additional books will just layer more possibilities into the game,” said Bunn. “The base rules cover things like spellcasting and monster stats and magic items, but I realized I wanted to offer more options and more details to enhance play.”

In addition, Outland Entertainment will be publishing numerous online articles, enhancements, and optional rules for this ever-expanding game.

The centerpiece for this online content is DAEMONROT, a “meat-grinder super-dungeon” that will be published level-by-level online. This ever-growing adventure setting uses the QUILL & CODEX rules, but it can be easily adapted to any role-playing campaign.

The first two levels of DAEMONROT (Level 0 and Level 1) will be released on March 19 and March 20. Then, a new level will be released every two weeks. 

While the QUILL & CODEX Base Rules and DAEMONROT will be available digitally for free, Outland will be releasing limited edition hardcopy zines for Planet Comicon in Kansas City, MO, on March 21 – 23, 2025. Both the QUILL & CODEX base rules and a sampler of several DAEMONROT levels will be available for purchase by convention attendees.

For more information on QUILL & CODEX, visit www.quillandcodexrpg.com.

Outland Entertainment is an independent publisher specializing in transmedia world building in speculative long and short fiction, comics, graphic novels, tabletop and RPG games, and other forms of media.

For more information, press only: Jeremy Mohler jeremy@outlandentertainment.com

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