#DVPit is just around the corner, and we can't wait to check out the pitches! While Outland isn’t currently open to general submissions, we are always really eager to look for new talent—and we’re especially eager to expand our novel offerings to better represent diverse voices. To this end, Senior Editor Scott Colby and I are excited to participate in this year’s #DVPit! Each of us has written up our Manuscript Wish List (#MSWL) and tweeted out our short versions, but here they are in full.

Scott Colby: I'm most interested in creative fiction from new and underrepresented voices. Weird, wild, clever, and quirky are words that come to mind. I'm open to pretty much any sort of science fiction or fantasy, but right now I'm prioritizing hopeful, humorous stories that twist or subvert the tropes of those genres. LGBTQIA+ welcome! Send Email

Alana Joli Abbott: I have a deep passion for mythology, and I love being exposed to myths and legends I haven't previously encountered. To that end, I'm seeking hope-filled stories from underrepresented voices, deeply influenced by mythology, in my favorite subgenres: high fantasy, epic fantasy, space operas, and weird Westerns. I look for complex characters with agency that represent multiple genders and ethnicities, and smart stories with humor. (If you're billing your book as Rick Riordan Presents for grown-ups, I am your target audience.) Send Email
Solicited Submitting to Outland
If we reach out to you on #DVPit and you decide to submit—first, thanks so much for entrusting us with a peek at your manuscript! We want to see your synopsis and the first three chapters of your completed manuscript. We are not currently interested in seeing works in progress for the purposes of this event.
That’s it! If you’re a writer doing #DVPit, have a fantastic time and best of luck to you in finding the perfect home for your novel. If you’re a reader, tune into #DVPit and see all of the cool things people are writing!