In Night of the Vegan, an ambitious Secretary of Agriculture orders that an experimental fertilizer be tested in the small town of Lake Prosperous—which happens to be where Vinny the Shovel, aka Willie Snitch, is in the Witness Protection program. When mobsters and zombies both descend on Lake Prosperous, it's going to take more than a shovel to save the town (and the all-important county fair). To celebrate the comic's release, the Night of the Vegan team answered this question:
If you were a vegan zombie, what would be your brains?

Leroy E. Bryant II, co-creator and writer
Peaches, the prunus persica, gem of the botanical fruits. My neighbor planted a dwarf peach tree(was supposed to be ornamental) in his yard two years ago. He quickly discovered it wasn’t a dwarf at all having grown to over 8 feet tall. This past summer it fruited and it fruited a lot, over 120 peaches through the season. He allowed me to take all I wanted, and I did. Those furry little jewels were delicious. Firm and exceptionally sweet, with each bite creating a cascade of juicy nectar that flowed freely down my chin. The flavor and texture brought me back to my youth, spending my summers in Italy and gorging myself on the succulent peaches at my aunt’s peach farm in Campania. I can hear my Zia Caterina now, “Don’t eat too many peaches, you’ll make yourself sick,” in Italian, though, of course.
Elijah C. Richardson Jr., co-creator and writer
If I were a vegan zombie, I'd be out sipping on a slushy bloody Mary. That bloody luminous! My footsteps will be unnatural, and my body will be galumphed. I'm a zombie—things that are literally bloody are made of blood. A combination of chilled Tobasco Sauce, black pepper, tomato juice, Worcestershire Sauce, and vodka for my night hangover in search of...what else than a crunchy celery stick to top it off?
Lee Oaks, pencils and inks
What a wonderfully strange idea. I would say my brains would be a mix of steamed caramelized cauliflower, jack fruit, impossible burger and mashed potatoes.

Alana Joli Abbott, writer
If I were a vegan zombie, I know I'd be all about eating pies. One of my favorite discoveries in adult life is that I can have pie and coffee for breakfast. It feels like such a treat any time I have it (and we have access to some excellent orchards in New England, so I can usually get my pick of deliciousness). Of course, I know that Wanda Bell's award-winning cherry pies probably beat them all hands-down...
Now we're asking you, readers: If you were a vegan zombie, what would be your brains? And go look for Night of the Vegan, now appearing in our web store and on bookstore shelves near you!