Summer Reading: Emotions

If you're anything like me when reading a book you'll slowly, but surely, start to feel - and show - the predominant emotions of the narrative. Say the character is under a lot of stress and constantly antagonizing all around them. I wouldn't go that far, BUT I would carry myself pretty angsty for no real reason for the whole reading period. Crazy? Maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps you're not the emotional sponge I am , but you will always feel - even if just for the brief moment when your eyes are flying through the pages - that you are indeed a part of that world and as such you'll share the emotions that live in it. All of this serves as a warning: choose what to read on your vacations carefully. You don't exactly need to feel blue and stressed out, while soaking in the sun on a tropical beach or even just laying on your on couch. (You can if you want!) Just another thing to bear in mind when choosing your Summer readings: the emotions that overpower the narrative. Think about what you want to experience when you enter your reading pause and bear in mind that the effects might linger for awhile longer... S.G. Check out the 1st Summer Readings post!

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