Daemonrot: A Quill & Codex Meatgrinder Adventure

Daemonrot is a meat-grinder super-dungeon that will be published level-by-level online.

Level 0 - The Skeleton. The dungeons of Daemonrot await! Fortune and glory might be found within! First, though, you must traverse the skeletal remains of the Beast. A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 0 - The Skeleton. The dungeons of Daemonrot await! Fortune and glory might be found within! First, though, you must traverse the skeletal remains of the Beast. A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 1 - The Gruesome Gullet. Descending through an (un)natural chimney in the earth, you discover a nightmare realm. Hideous spores, molds, and fungus await in the first harrowing level of Daemonrot. A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 2 - The Nasty Nest. What horror drove the wererats from their home? Pray you don't survive long enough to find out. A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 3 - The Trapped Troll. A behemoth dwells in the caves ahead. But the entry and exit tunnels are so narrow. It couldn't possibly get out. What has it been eating? A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 4 - The Sanctum of the Fallen Mage. The corruption of Daemonrot is all-consuming. Even those who have served the forces of good can be twisted into bastions of evil. Here lies one of these disgraced heroes. Won't you join them? A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Level 5 - The Silent Crypt. An order of mad monks dwell in the shadows of Daemonrot. No sound must be made within their halls, lest they emerge from the shadows to drag you into deafening darkness forever. A dungeon adventure for the Quill & Codex RPG (but it is easily adaptable to whatever game system you like).

Choose Your Dungeon: Dungeon Level 0 - The Skeleton

Dungeon Level 0 - The Skeleton
Dungeon Level 1 - The Gruesome Gullet
Dungeon Level 2 - The Nasty Nest
Dungeon Level 3 - The Trapped Troll
Dungeon Level 4 - The Sanctum of the Fallen Mage
Dungeon Level 5 - The Silent Crypt

Level ZERO launches on March 19th!

Level ONE launches on March 20th!


CREATOR: Developed by Cullen Bunn

VIBES: Role-playing games, quick play, old school, storytelling, adventure, fantasy, dungeon crawl, killer dungeon, super dungeon

IN SHORT: Daemonrot is a meat-grinder super-dungeon that will be published level-by-level online. 

WHAT’S IT ABOUT: Daemonrot is a series of short mini–dungeons that can be enjoyed in a single evening of game–play. Each mini–dungeon includes a map; a description of the obstacles, traps, monsters, and horrors that will be encountered in the dungeon; and associated flavor text and details to help the scenario come to life. These dungeons could be dropped into an existing campaign or enjoyed as one–off adventures, but…

…Daemonrot is also a mega–dungeon. Each mini–dungeon is naught but a piece of a much larger network of catacombs, caverns, and crypts. Secret and forbidden passages connect one mini–dungeon to the next, and—if a game master and adventuring party have the stomach for it—greater horror, mystery, and glory await the farther they journey, the deeper they delve.


Cullen Bunn - Creator, Writer, & Game Designer
Cullen Bunn is a writer of comic books, prose, film, and TV. He has written stories for some of the most well-known characters in the world. His work for Marvel and DC includes titles such as UNCANNY X-MEN, X-MEN BLUE, DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, MAGENTO, SINESTRO, and many others. His creator-owned work includes THE SIXTH GUN, HARROW COUNTY, THE EMPTY MAN, BONE PARISH, BASILISK, and many others. His website is www.cullenbunn.com.