Books of Before & Now 03: The Bride & The Birdman
Then, when the crops failed, when the livestock died, Papa Lucy gave hope. He gave civilisation to the broken leftovers of humanity, their minds wiped blank when they stumbled after him, through the secret places and out into the Now.

Creator: Jason Fischer
Category: Novel
Age Range: Adult
Vibes: Post-Apocalyptic, Fantasy, Interdimensional Travel, Science Fiction
In Short: The last remaining enforcer of an order of mystical lawmen battles the psychotic (but oh so charismatic) sorcerer responsible for the fall of humanity.
What's It About: Lanyard Everett–last of the Jesusmen who once protected the people of the Now–crosses the dangerous wasteland in search of a bleedthrough, an interdimensional rupture set to disgorge Before-time artifacts and riches into the land. Unbeknownst to Lanyard, a pair of powerful sorcerers–the titular Papa Lucy and the Boneman–also have their evil eyes set on those spoils, and a particularly powerful talisman that will make them unstoppable. This series opener, which received a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly, also sets the stage for the post-apocalyptic Bullets & Bleedthroughs roleplaying game.Jason Fischer is a writer who lives near Adelaide, South Australia. He has received a starred review in Publishers Weekly, won an Aurealis Award and the Writers of the Future Contest, and received the Colin Thiele Literature Scholarship. In Jason’s jack-of-all-trades writing career he has written for television and the stage, as well as a variety of prose projects such as novels, roleplaying games, and more. Jason also facilitates writing workshops, is an enthusiastic mentor, and loves anything to do with the written or spoken word.
Jason is also the founder and CEO of Spectrum Writing, a service that teaches professional writing skills to people on the Autism Spectrum. He is powered by Earl Grey tea, Dungeons & Dragons, godawful puns, karaoke, and the Oxford Comma.