Tom and Nimue Brown's Hopeless, Maine gothic comic series continues in Book 3: Sinners. Back it on Kickstarter today!

As young Salamandra continues learning about her power, she also learns more about the bleak place she inhabits. And those revelations, of course, don't make her life any easier. A new illness has also popped up on the island, and it's not clear whether it's consumption, a vampiric disease--or something even worse.
What began as an online web comic is now an impressive ongoing series. Featuring a strong female lead, awesome atmospheric art, strange magic, enigmatic creatures, and a setting cut off from the rest of the world and lost to time, this one's a fantastic lead-in to that upcoming spooky season we're all salivating over. Pair this slice of Lovecraftian horror with a pumpkin spice latte as the prelude to a trip to the local haunted forest.
And if you're behind, we can help you catch up! Bundles including the first two books in the series are available as rewards. Or, snag em individually via the Outland store. Book 1: Personal Demons and Book 2: Inheritance are available in gorgeous hardcover and convenient digital versions.
Additional rewards include pins, a novel, a novella--anything and everything Hopeless. Writing, editing, design, and layout on all products is complete, meaning all that remains is printing and shipping.