Jason Franks launches into his upcoming set in the Outland Entertainment stadium theater with Bloody Waters, a modern rock 'n roll fantasy about a band that makes a deal with Old Scratch himself!

Is the Devil more trustworthy than a record executive?
Young guitar virtuoso Clarice Marnier is on the verge of success when she crosses the wrong A&R man. Suddenly, instead of being signed to a major label, she's blacklisted.
So Clarice makes a deal with the Devil: the soul of her enemy for a record deal and a second chance.
As Clarice and her band, Bloody Waters, begin their ascent to rock stardom, they are beset by a strange array of enemies. Has-been guitar heroes, popstar succubi, spell-slinging DJs, angry divas and killer angels—every occult freak and music industry player in LA wants something from them, whether it’s a slice of their fame or a bite of their souls.
Fans of Richard Kadrey's Sandman Slim series or Outland's own Deviant Magic will leave this track on repeat all night. Franks knows music just as well as he knows storytelling, making the reading experience feel like you're live and in person with the band.
If you want VIP tickets to Jason's next show, Shadowmancy, his forthcoming fantasy novel, is also available for preorder!
--Scott Colby
Scott Colby is not only Outland Entertainment's Senior Editor, but he's also the author of the Deviant Magic series and The Black Yonnix: A Bitter End. You can also follow him over at his Instagram @scottwritesfine. His taste in music is abominable.